Academic Profile
Research lines or specialties:
- Clinical Genetics (Human Genetics)
- Rare Diseases
- Hemophilia (Hereditary Coagulopathies)
- Introduction of new therapies based on biotechnology
Summary of resume:
2024 Doctorate in Clinical Sciences with Specialization in Clinical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Panama, Panama.
2021 Master of Clinical Sciences with Specialization in Clinical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Panama, Panama.
2002-2021 Clinical Geneticist, Social Security Hospital, Panamá City, Rep of Panama
2019-2021 Adjunct Faculty at INDICASAT-AIP Research Institute, Panama
2019-2019 Speaker for Biomarin
2016-2017 Speaker for Stendhal de las Americas (Biomarin and Shire Representative)
2013-2015 Speaker for Genzyme, Sanofy Group
2013-2021 Professorship of Clinical Embriology at the `Universidad Latina de Panama
2011-2021 Punta Pacifica Hospital medical staff member
2000-2017 Professorship of Molecular and Cellular Biology at the `Universidad Latina de Panama´
2000-2002 Development Coordinator at the Institute of Advanced Scientific Research and High Technology Services (INDICASAT , now INDICASAT-AIP) created by the National Secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation (SENACYT), Republic of Panama
Selected publications:
- Austin-Ward ED Mother Genetics. Journal of Genetics and Clinical Genomics 2023, 1(3)
- Austin-Ward ED, Brid E First report of SAVI syndrome in Panama due variant of the STING1 gene in patient with emphysema and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Journal of Genetics and Clinical Genomics 2023, 1(3)
- Austin-Ward ED Genetics of pain and management of chronic pain by extracorporeal depuration therapies. Journal of Genetics and Clinical Genomics 2023, 1(2): 36-42
- Austin-Ward ED, Vergara Y; Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis type 2 (CLN2): report of the first case diagnosed in the Republic of Panama, caused by a pathogenic variant of the TPP1 gene produced by a nonsense mutation. Medical Journal of Panama 2023; 43:20-23.
- Austin-Ward ED, Moreno Vergara LJ First Patient Reported With A TPP1 Missense Mutation Pathogenic Variant Predicted In Silico Causing CLN2. Poster presented at SSIEM Annual Symposium 2022
- Austin-Ward ED, Role of Polyamines in Intracellular Signal Transduction: Possible Projections for Clinical Use in the Management of Muscular Dystrophies through their Inhibition with Difluoromethylornithine. Medical Journal of Panama 2019; 39(3): 100-105.
- Luis Lee-Chen, Donna Chen de Lee, María Amaya Naranjo, Fernando Gracia, Mauricio Berenguer Sánchez, E D Austin-Ward. Huntington’s disease in the Panamanian population, 2007-2021 Medical Journal of Panama – ISSN 2412-642X September 2022, 42(2):2-6
Current Projects
Participation in a Project on Pain Management through Extracorporeal Circulation Devices, in conjunction with Industry, Pacifica Salud Hospital and doctors of various specialties.
February 1999/Diagnosis of syndromes associated with structural and numerical abnormalities. Determination of the origin of a marker chromosome ina a patient with dysmorphies and mental retardation performed at Dr. Joan Knoll Laboratory at Children´s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston /Technique: Fluorescence in sity hybridization (FISH) /Article published in the Am J Med Genetics (see publications)

Enrique Daniel Austin Ward, MD
Highest degree of studies: Specialist in Clinical Genetics, University of Chile, 1999
Category: Adjunct Faculty
Contact information:
Phone: +507 239-8762, +507 6649-5068
Instagram: @enriquedanielaustinward